Cognitive TutorBridge to Algebra

Bridge to Algebra Impact in Maui School District

This study examines the effectiveness of Cognitive Tutor Bridge to Algebra in Hawaii’s Maui School District. Math achievement on the Northwest Evaluation Association’s General Math Test for students randomly assigned to use Bridge to Algebra was compared to achievement of students randomly assigned to the control group.

Study type: student level

Read the Bridge to Algebra impact report.

Are the Findings Likely to Apply to Districts Like Yours?

Demographic characteristics of Bridge to Algebra students
Asian 53.9%
Hispanic 4.5%
Native American 0.9%
Mixed Ethnicity 30.4%
African American 0.6%
White 9.8%

Subgroup Differences

Did outcomes vary by characteristics of the students or classroom?

  • Filipino students (Hawaii DOE category) benefitted more from Bridge to Algebra than white students.
  • Students who scored lower on the pretest benefitted more from Bridge to Algebra than students with higher pretest scores.
  • Students with non-certified teachers benefitted more from Bridge to Algebra than students with certified teachers.